Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from
<?php // You can download this file from here require('RestClient.php'); $api_url = ''; try { // Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from $client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password'); } catch (RestClientException $e) { echo "n"; print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}n"; print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}n"; print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}n"; print $e->getTraceAsString(); echo "n"; exit(); } try { $result = array(); // #1 - using this method you can get a list of completed tasks // GET /v3/serp/baidu/organic/tasks_ready // in addition to 'baidu' and 'organic' you can also set other search engine and type parameters // the full list of possible parameters is available in documentation $tasks_ready = $client->get('/v3/serp/baidu/organic/tasks_ready'); // you can find the full list of the response codes here if (isset($tasks_ready['status_code']) AND $tasks_ready['status_code'] === 20000) { foreach ($tasks_ready['tasks'] as $task) { if (isset($task['result'])) { foreach ($task['result'] as $task_ready) { // #2 - using this method you can get results of each completed task // GET /v3/serp/baidu/organic/task_get/advanced/$id if (isset($task_ready['endpoint_advanced'])) { $result[] = $client->get($task_ready['endpoint_advanced']); } // #3 - another way to get the task results by id // GET /v3/serp/baidu/organic/task_get/advanced/$id /* if (isset($task_ready['id'])) { $result[] = $client->get('/v3/serp/baidu/organic/task_get/advanced/' . $task_ready['id']); } */ } } } } print_r($result); // do something with result } catch (RestClientException $e) { echo "n"; print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}n"; print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}n"; print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}n"; print $e->getTraceAsString(); echo "n"; } $client = null; ?>
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "version": "0.1.20210129", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "0.1110 sec.", "cost": 0, "tasks_count": 1, "tasks_error": 0, "tasks": [ { "id": "02261816-2027-0066-0000-c27d02864073", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "0.0609 sec.", "cost": 0, "result_count": 1, "path": [ "v3", "serp", "baidu", "organic", "task_get", "advanced", "02261816-2027-0066-0000-c27d02864073" ], "data": { "api": "serp", "function": "task_get", "se": "baidu", "se_type": "organic", "language_code": "zh_CN", "location_code": 2156, "keyword": "我附近的餐厅", "priority": 2, "device": "desktop", "os": "windows" }, "result": [ { "keyword": "我附近的餐厅", "type": "organic", "se_domain": "", "location_code": 2156, "language_code": "zh_CN", "check_url": "", "datetime": "2021-02-26 16:26:15 +00:00", "spell": null, "item_types": [ "local_pack", "map", "organic", "paid", "related_searches", "video", "images", "stocks_box", "shopping" ], "se_results_count": 100000000, "items_count": 104, "items": [ { "type": "map", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 1, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]", "title": "香港特别行政区地图_百度地图", "url": "", "rectangle": null }, { "type": "local_pack", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 2, "position": "left", "xpath": null, "title": "A 鲁西南老牌坊特色 餐厅 (省体店)", "description": "¥81起\n192条评论 地址: 山东省济南市市中区民生大街68号", "domain": "", "phone": "0531-82070315", "url": "", "is_paid": false, "rating": null, "cid": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "shopping", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 13, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/div[13]", "title": "买洗衣机 - 商品 - 全网热卖", "items": [ { "type": "shopping_element", "title": "【自营配送入户】小天鹅波轮洗衣机...", "price": { "current": 889, "regular": null, "max_value": null, "currency": "CNY", "is_price_range": false, "displayed_price": "¥889" }, "source": "京东", "description": null, "marketplace": null, "marketplace_url": null, "url": "" } ], "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 3, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]", "domain": "", "title": "离我最近的24小时餐饮 - 百度知道", "url": "", "cache_url": "", "breadcrumb": "百度知道", "is_image": true, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "最佳答案: 找一个离我近 的饭店 营业时间凌晨两点前.new-pmd .c-abstract br{display: none;}\n更多关于我附近的餐厅的问题>>", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "highlighted": [ "我最近的", "餐饮", "的饭店" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 2, "rank_absolute": 4, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[3]/div[3]", "domain": "", "title": "微信如何使用附近的餐厅功能 - 百度经验", "url": "", "cache_url": "", "breadcrumb": "百度经验", "is_image": true, "is_video": false, "is_featured_snippet": false, "is_malicious": false, "is_web_story": false, "description": "2019年1月14日 微信如何使用 附近的餐厅 功能,微信的新版本更新了 附近的餐厅 功能,那么如何使用呢?下面小编给大家分享一下。", "pre_snippet": null, "extended_snippet": null, "amp_version": false, "rating": null, "highlighted": [ "附近的餐厅" ], "links": null, "faq": null, "extended_people_also_search": null, "timestamp": null, "rectangle": null }, { "type": "paid", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 5, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[7]/div[3]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/ol[1]/li[1]", "title": "Cheap Flights to Kharkov | Book Now & Save on CheapOair®", "domain": "", "description": "Our Low Cost Flights Deals to Kharkov. Book Your Flights Today! Award Winning Service. Last Minute Travel. We Make it Easy to Travel. Enjoy Huge Discounts. Book 600+ Airlines.", "breadcrumb": "", "url": "", "highlighted": [ "Flights", "Kharkov" ], "extra": { "ad_aclk": "DChcSEwiUvq3SrdrlAhWLg5EKHWsCD-0YABAAGgJjZQ" }, "description_rows": null, "links": [ { "type": "ad_link_element", "title": "Flights $99 and Under", "url": "", "description": "Grab Flight Deals Under $99 Today!Book Tickets Now on CheapOair®.", "ad_aclk": "DChcSEwiUvq3SrdrlAhWLg5EKHWsCD-0YABABGgJjZQ" }, { "type": "ad_link_element", "title": "Top 25 Flight Deals", "url": "", "description": "Get Our Best Deal on Top Cities.100% Safe Shopping Guarantee!", "ad_aclk": "DChcSEwiUvq3SrdrlAhWLg5EKHWsCD-0YABACGgJjZQ" } ], "rectangle": { "x": 181, "y": 360, "width": 652, "height": 176 } }, { "type": "images", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 6, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[3]/div[4]", "title": "elon musk - 百度图片", "url": "", "items": [ { "type": "images_element", "alt": null, "url": "", "image_url": ",3225913889&fm=26&gp=0.jpg" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": null, "url": "", "image_url": ",2530599985&fm=26&gp=0.jpg" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": null, "url": "", "image_url": ",2273849427&fm=11&gp=0.jpg" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": null, "url": "", "image_url": ",2931759282&fm=26&gp=0.jpg" }, { "type": "images_element", "alt": null, "url": "", "image_url": ",4105938903&fm=26&gp=0.jpg" } ], "rectangle": null }, { "type": "video", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 7, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[3]/div[11]", "items": [ { "type": "video_element", "source": "好看视频", "title": "Elon Musk讲解:什么是“第一性原理...", "timestamp": null, "url": "" }, { "type": "video_element", "source": "好看视频", "title": "Elon Musk 给 22岁的建议", "timestamp": null, "url": "" }, { "type": "video_element", "source": "好看视频", "title": "Elon Musk(埃隆马斯克)TED演讲(中...", "timestamp": null, "url": "" }, { "type": "video_element", "source": "好看视频", "title": "Elon Musk", "timestamp": null, "url": "" }, { "type": "video_element", "source": "好看视频", "title": "Elon Musk访谈:通过第一性原理来思...", "timestamp": null, "url": "" }, { "type": "video_element", "source": "B站", "title": "伊隆马斯克是如何利用时间的 How E...", "timestamp": null, "url": "" } ], "rectangle": null }, { "type": "related_searches", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 8, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/table[1]", "items": [ "埃隆·马斯克", "elon musk 女友", "elon musk身高", "elon musk母亲", "elon musk妻子", "musk五个孩子", "埃隆·马斯克的传奇人生", "马斯克grimes分手", "elonmusk微博" ], "rectangle": null }, { "type": "stocks_box", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 3, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[3]/div[3]", "title": "珠海中富[000659]沪深实时行情 - 东方财富", "source": null, "snippet": "总市值 52.84亿", "price": "4.11", "url": "", "domain": "", "rectangle": null, "table": null, "graph": null }, { "type": "dictionary", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 1, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]", "title": "cloud storage - 百度翻译", "url": "", "domain": "", "breadcrumb": null, "keyword": "云存储常见释义", "snippet": "网络 云端存储; 云存储; 云端储存; 云储存;", "text": "英[klaʊd ˈstɔːrɪdʒ] 美[klaʊd ˈstɔːrɪdʒ]", "links": null, "rectangle": null } ] } ] } ] }
Description of the fields for sending a request:
Field name | Type | Description |
id |
string | task identifier unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format you will be able to use it within 30 days to request the results of the task at any time |
As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks
array with the information specific to the set tasks.
You can also get all available SERP features and possible extra elements by making a request to the following Sandbox URL:
The response will include all available items in the Baidu Organic SERP Advanced endpoint with the fields containing dummy data.
You won’t be charged for using Sandbox endpoints.
Description of the fields in the results array:
Field name | Type | Description |
version |
string | the current version of the API |
status_code |
integer | general status code you can find the full list of the response codes here Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions |
status_message |
string | general informational message you can find the full list of general informational messages here |
time |
string | execution time, seconds |
cost |
float | total tasks cost, USD |
tasks_count |
integer | the number of tasks in the tasks array |
tasks_error |
integer | the number of tasks in the tasks array returned with an error |
tasks |
array | array of tasks |
id |
string | task identifier unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format |
status_code |
integer | status code of the task generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000 you can find the full list of the response codes here |
status_message |
string | informational message of the task you can find the full list of general informational messages here |
time |
string | execution time, seconds |
cost |
float | cost of the task, USD |
result_count |
integer | number of elements in the result array |
path |
array | URL path |
data |
object | contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request |
result |
array | array of results |
keyword |
string | keyword received in a POST array the keyword is returned with decoded %## (plus symbol ‘+’ will be decoded to a space character) |
type |
string | search engine type in a POST array |
se_domain |
string | search engine domain in a POST array |
location_code |
integer | location code in a POST array |
language_code |
string | language code in a POST array |
check_url |
string | direct URL to search engine results you can use it to make sure that we provided accurate results |
datetime |
string | date and time when the result was received in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
spell |
object | autocorrection of the search engine if the search engine provided results for a keyword that was corrected, we will specify the keyword corrected by the search engine and the type of autocorrection |
keyword |
string | keyword obtained as a result of search engine autocorrection the results will be provided for the corrected keyword |
type |
string | type of autocorrection possible values: did_you_mean , showing_results_for , no_results_found_for , including_results_for |
item_types |
array | types of search results in SERP contains types of search results ( items ) found in SERP.possible item types: images , local_pack , map , organic , paid , related_searches , video , stocks_box , dictionary , shopping |
se_results_count |
integer | total number of results in SERP |
items_count |
integer | the number of results returned in the items array |
items |
array | elements of search results found in SERP |
‘organic’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘organic’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | relevant URL in SERP |
cache_url |
string | cached version of the page |
related_search_url |
string | URL to a similar search URL to a new search for the same keyword(s) on related sites |
breadcrumb |
string | breadcrumb in SERP |
website_name |
string | name of the relevant website in SERP |
is_image |
boolean | indicates whether the element contains an image |
is_video |
boolean | indicates whether the element contains a video |
is_featured_snippet |
boolean | indicates whether the element is a featured_snippet |
is_malicious |
boolean | indicates whether the element is marked as malicious |
is_web_story |
boolean | indicates whether the element is marked as web story |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
pre_snippet |
string | includes additional information appended before the result description in SERP |
extended_snippet |
string | includes additional information appended after the result description in SERP |
images |
array | images of the element |
type |
string | type of element = ‘images_element‘ |
alt |
string | alt tag of the image |
url |
string | relevant URL |
image_url |
string | URL of the image the URL leading to the image on the original resource or DataForSEO storage (in case the original source is not available) |
amp_version |
boolean | Accelerated Mobile Pages indicates whether an item has the Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) version |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
price |
object | pricing details contains the pricing details of the product or service featured in the result |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
highlighted |
array | words highlighted in bold within the results description |
links |
array | sitelinks the links shown below some of search results if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | sitelink URL |
faq |
object | frequently asked questions questions and answers extension shown below some of search results if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘faq_box‘ |
items |
array | items featured in the faq_box |
type |
string | type of element = ‘faq_box_element‘ |
title |
string | question related to the result |
description |
string | answer provided in the drop-down block |
links |
array | links featured in the faq_box_element |
type |
string | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | link anchor text |
url |
string | link URL |
extended_people_also_search |
array | extension of the organic element extension of the organic result containing related search queries Note: extension appears in SERP upon clicking on the result and then bouncing back to search results |
about_this_result |
object | contains information about this result will always be null for Baidu |
type |
string | type of element = ‘about_this_result_element‘ |
url |
string | result’s URL |
source |
string | source of additional information about the result |
source_info |
string | additional information about the result description of the website from Wikipedia or another additional context |
source_url |
string | URL to full information from the source |
language |
string | the language of the result |
location |
string | location for which the result is relevant |
search_terms |
array | matching search terms that appear in the result |
related_terms |
array | related search terms that appear in the result |
related_result |
array | related result from the same domain related result from the same domain appears as a part of the main result snippet |
type |
string | type of element = ‘related_result‘ |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
domain |
string | relevant domain |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | relevant URL in SERP |
cache_url |
string | cached version of the page |
related_search_url |
string | URL to a similar search URL to a new search for the same keyword(s) on related sites |
breadcrumb |
string | breadcrumb in SERP |
is_image |
boolean | indicates whether the element contains an image |
is_video |
boolean | indicates whether the element contains a video |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
pre_snippet |
string | includes additional information appended before the result description in SERP |
extended_snippet |
string | includes additional information appended after the result description in SERP |
images |
array | images of the element |
type |
string | type of element = ‘images_element‘ |
alt |
string | alt tag of the image |
url |
string | relevant URL |
image_url |
string | URL of the image the URL leading to the image on the original resource or DataForSEO storage (in case the original source is not available) |
amp_version |
boolean | Accelerated Mobile Pages indicates whether an item has the Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) version |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
float | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
price |
object | pricing details contains the pricing details of the product or service featured in the result |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
highlighted |
array | words highlighted in bold within the results description |
about_this_result |
object | contains information about this result will always be null for Baidu |
type |
string | type of element = ‘about_this_result_element‘ |
url |
string | result’s URL |
source |
string | source of additional information about the result |
source_info |
string | additional information about the result description of the website from Wikipedia or another additional context |
source_url |
string | URL to full information from the source |
language |
string | the language of the result |
location |
string | location for which the result is relevant |
search_terms |
array | matching search terms that appear in the result |
related_terms |
array | related search terms that appear in the result |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
‘paid’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘paid’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
domain |
string | domain in SERP of the Ad element |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | relevant URL of the Ad element in SERP |
breadcrumb |
string | breadcrumb of the Ad element in SERP |
highlighted |
array | words highlighted in bold within the results description |
extra |
object | additional information about the result |
ad_aclk |
string | the identifier of the ad |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
description_rows |
array | extended description if there is none, equals null |
links |
array | sitelinks the links shown below some of search results if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the link element |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | URL link |
ad_aclk |
string | the identifier of the ad |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
‘related_searches’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘related_searches’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
‘local_pack’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘local_pack’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
phone |
string | phone number |
url |
string | relevant URL |
is_paid |
boolean | indicates whether the element is an ad |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
cid |
string | client id unique id of a local establishment |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
‘map’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘map’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | URL |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
‘video’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘video’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘video_element‘ |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of the video |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
url |
string | URL |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
‘images’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘images’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | relevant URL |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘images_element‘ |
alt |
string | alt tag of the image |
url |
string | original image URL the URL leading to the image on the original resource |
image_url |
string | image preview URL the URL generated by Baidu and leading to the preview of the original image in SERP |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
‘stocks_box’ element in SERP’ | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘‘stocks_box’’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of information provided in the stocks_box element |
snippet |
string | snippet of the element |
price |
string | price quote featured on Baidu at the time when our API pulled the results |
url |
string | relevant URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
table |
object | results table if there are none, equals null |
table_header |
array | column names if there are none, equals null |
table_content |
array | the content of the table additional information about the stock prices displayed below the graph if there is none, equals null |
graph |
object | contains data provided in the graph of the element |
items |
array | data provided for the date and time when our API pulled the results |
type |
string | type of element = ‘graph_element’ corresponds to one point on the graph that indicates the stock price for a specific date and time |
date |
string | date and time in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss ISO 8601 formatindicates date and time for which the stock price in the value field is provided |
value |
integer | stock price stock price for the date and time provided in the date field |
previous_items |
array | previous close data contains stock price data based on the preceding time period |
type |
string | type of element = ‘graph_element’ corresponds to one point on the graph that indicates the stock price for a specific date and time |
date |
string | date and time in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss ISO 8601 formatindicates the date and time for which the value field provides previous close pricefor example, "date": "2020-10-28T15:45:00" and "value": 11080.2857 mean the stock was traded at 11080.2857 on Oct. 27, 2020 at 15:45:00 |
value |
integer | previous close price closing price on the preceding time period |
‘dictionary’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘dictionary’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | relevant URL in SERP |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
breadcrumb |
string | breadcrumb in SERP |
keyword |
string | keyword highlighted in the result |
snippet |
string | snippet of the element |
text |
boolean | description of the results element in SERP |
links |
array | sitelinks the links shown below some of search results if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | sitelink URL |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP note: calculate_rectangles parameter is not yet available when setting tasks for Baidu search engine, that’s why rectangle always equals null |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of SERP is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |
‘shopping’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘shopping’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘shopping_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
price |
object | price of the shopping element |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the shopping element |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the shopping element |
max_value |
float | the maximum price indicates the maximum price of the shopping element |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of information included in the shopping_element |
description |
string | the description of the results element in SERP |
marketplace |
string | merchant account provider commerce site that hosts products or websites of individual sellers under the same merchant account example: by Baidu |
marketplace_url |
string | relevant marketplace URL URL of the page on the marketplace website where the product is hosted |
url |
string | URL |
rectangle |
object | rectangle parameters contains cartesian coordinates and pixel dimensions of the result’s snippet in SERP equals null if calculate_rectangles in the POST request is not set to true |
x |
integer | x-axis coordinate x-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of the screen is the origin |
y |
integer | y-axis coordinate y-axis coordinate of the top-left corner of the result’s snippet, where top-left corner of the screen is the origin |
width |
integer | width of the element in pixels |
height |
integer | height of the element in pixels |